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Challenges of Managing Remote Employees

04 September 2019

Is there a lack of trust between employers and their remote workforce?

More and more businesses face the reality of remote working. Therefore, tackling the challenges of managing remote employees is crucial. If managed correctly, this could really be the key to a happy, productive workforce; however, many businesses fall into the same traps over and over again.

Trust is a big issue for many remote workforces, and it is a lack of trust on both sides that often drives a wedge between employers and employees. One of the key battle grounds for this is generally based around security, access and engagement.

According to research by OneLogin, half of those in full-time work believe that remote workers below mid-manager level should not be granted remote access to the corporate network, from both work-owned devices (47 percent) and personally-owned devices (54 percent). In addition, 27 percent believe remote access should only be granted to senior management and above.

With the millennial workforce so used to being constantly connected, and the majority wanting the option to work from home all the time, this lack of trust between business owners, team managers and remote team members has the potential to grow into a major hurdle.

Working to overcome the challenges of managing remote employees

Whilst it is clear there is a misplaced trust deficit, the reality is employers need to overcome their concerns and start building a company culture where trust is prominent with their increasingly security savvy workforce.

In order to overcome the challenges of managing remote employees and maximise on corporate data trust, consider technologies such as Single Sign-On. This technology enables employees to access work data securely anywhere, from any device and at any time – leaving employers safe in the knowledge that sensitive work data is safe in the hands of their mobile enabled workforce.

Managing your remote workforce by their outputs rather than having to keep one eye on them at all times goes a long way when improving trust in the business. Don’t fall into the trap of wondering if your remote employees are getting distracted watching TV on their sofa or just browsing social media all day. Rather, judge your virtual team on their input to tasks and contribution to the wider company objectives.

Employers also need to consider one of the key pieces in maintaining trust – engagement. Working remotely – whether that is at home, on the road or in a coffee shop – can lead remote employees to feel isolated and lonely. Even though team members may be working on the same projects, it can be easy for them to feel disconnected from colleagues and the wider company; especially if their only active involvement is simply being cc’d into endless emails.

It is important to implement effective communication strategies when hiring remote workers. Regular video conferences, chat tools such as Google hangouts and other collaboration tools enable you to monitor your team’s work and to encourage team building.

Making sure your team feels connected and together, even when they’re away from the office, is vital to maintaining overall trust. By providing them with reliable technology and software that offers a sticky connection between individuals, projects, training, files and documents, they can collaborate and really feel like a key part of the bigger picture. Additionally, employers can stay up to date and confident in the work of their remote team.

Workforce management software

Often, overcoming the challenges of managing remote employees comes down to the right workforce management system. Sitepass is a software system designed specifically for managing employees, contingent workers and remote staff. By implementing such a system in line with the recommendations above, your workplace will be on its way to complete transparency, reduced risk and increased compliance.

Contact Sitepass today to kickstart your remote workforce and overcome the challenges of managing remote employees.

Ben Borin
Ben Borin

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