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Controlling access at Aged Care facilities during the Covid-19 crisis

16 April 2020

Many challenges have arisen for organisation leaders within Aged care following the Covid-19 pandemic. Security measures and the monitoring of employees, contractors and visitors have always been a high priority, but now that there is heightened site access  rules in place to protect patients and residents, the most vulnerable from the risk of an outbreak.

How are you managing site access to your aged care facilities?

With only essential people able to enter on site at an aged care facility we know that controlling access is difficult when there are reduced staff or staff working from home/off site and this presents several challenges:

  • How do visitors and contractors know of the new processes and access requirements at the facility?
  • With a paper-based system makes it difficult to get live information to track who has attended on site, how long they have been there and who they have seen.
  • How are organisations monitoring where people being monitored across the entire organisation, and not being limited by the number of locations they need to monitor?
  • How is information captured about the individual coming to site, such as if they have any health symptoms, if they have been overseas or if they have had a flu vaccination?
  • How are is a preapproval of contractors and visitors limited without having someone on site to manage this process.
  • With limited staff at each facility, how are unmanned locations managed to control visitors?
  • If there is Covid-19 case, how does the facility keep track of who has attended, where they have been and their contact information?
  • How do employees deliver information without having physical contact with visitors, contractors and volunteers?

How Sitepass can help you manage Covid-10 challenges

Sitepass provides a digital solution that will enable aged and health care facilities to engage, onboard, preapprove and monitor everyone who enters their locations, including contractors, employees, volunteers and visitors.

Here’s a step by step guide to help explain how Sitepass can be setup, to provide a quick and simple solutions to control the access across your entire organisation.

Pre-approve everyone

1. Create a Sitepass account.

To get started you will need to register your business on mysitepass.com. It’s free to register.

2. Add all locations and access points across your entire organisation.

Under Sitepass worksites, you can add each location, access points, building or even floors that you need to monitor and control access. There are no limits to how many you can add.

3. Create your contractor, volunteer and visitor access requirements.

Setting up Sitepass workflows is easy and allows you to tailor the information you need to deliver and capture to issue pre-approval.

Deliver information:

  • Instructions, policies, videos and information to outline:
  • Business processes
  • PPE requirements
  • Site specific instructions or procedures
  • Access limits and distancing requirements
  • Rules for engagement with residents
  • Hygiene and hand washing requirement

Capture vital evidence and information:

  • If they have been overseas, traveled in 14 days or are currently unwell
  • Capture evidence of their flu vaccinations
  • Capture evidence of their qualifications or job requirements.
  • Gather declarations and acknowledgment they understand the processes and distancing requirements
  • Attendance times, locations, and reasons

4. Invite your contractors and visitors to preregister.

Send invites to your contractors, visitors, volunteers and employees to request that they pre-register and obtain preapproval. Once they receive the invite, they will need to provide their personal and contact details, indicating their role and locations they plan to attend. This will assign their pre-approval workflows that are required to be complete.

5. Approve their access

Sitepass verification allows pre-approval once they have completed the workflows.

Monitoring access

1. Setup QR codes or Kiosk for each access point or location

To monitor and control access Sitepass provides a download to a QR code for each location or the setup of a kiosk.

2. Request check into site

When visitors, volunteers or contractors arrive, they will be required to check in. Downloading the Sitepass mobile app offers a quick check in experience, otherwise a Kiosk can be set up for those who don’t have a mobile.  Through our partners Tiks, Kiosks hardware includes thermal sensors to detect individuals body temperatures and limit the ability to sign in if temperatures are elevated.

3. Validate pre- approved

Checking into site will validate that the visitor, volunteer or contractor has been preapproved. If they are not pre-approved, access will be restricted. If they are approved, access will be granted, and monitor the attendance time.

4. Monitor attendance

The dashboard provides live activity of everyone who has signed into the site, and ability to report on when they attended, who they saw and when they left the site. The dashboard can be used to send out broadcast SMS notifications or used for reporting in the case that a Covid-19 case is identified.

5. Disable their access

Once a visitor, contractor or volunteer has attended on site, their workflow can be reset and access disabled. The individual will be required to request preapproval again to be able to enter on site.

What’s next?

Does Sitepass sound like the right solution to address your challenges?  Would you like a demo to understand how Sitepass can specifically meet your site access requirements?

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